Ferrovial in two minutes
Main geographic areas
15 Countries
Business model

Toll roads
Private development of transport infrastructures, with innovative and high quality standards.

Private operator of four airports in the United Kingdom, among them Heathrow Airport.

Civil engineering, industrial projects, building and water, with international recognition for design and exceptional transport infrastructure projects.

Operation, maintenance and management of public and private infrastructures related to transport, the environment, industrial projects, natural resources and utilities
Value creation

Ferrovial considers profitable growth, operational excellence and innovation to be essential levers for maximizing long-term return for shareholders.

Its experience allows Ferrovial to design high-quality, efficient, safe and sustainable solutions that respond to the needs of its clients and end users.

Proactive talent management, high-quality learning opportunities, professional development and fostering business culture are key for the company.

Ferrovial plays a significant role in improving the quality of life of people and stimulating progress in the communities where it operates. The company has implemented a Strategic Corporate Responsibility Plan as part of its commitment to sustainable development from an economic, social and environmental point of view.
CSR: 20.19 PLAN
Ferrovial forms part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), FTSE4GOOD and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). It has also received the highest rating from Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI). The company has a Corporate Social Responsibility Plan (20.19 Plan), which sets its objectives and actions relating to this subject.